Swansea Cumulative Impact Policy

11 Feb

The City and County of Swansea Council is reviewing their Statement of Licensing Policy so as to include their position on the Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Orders.

Additionally, they are looking to introduce a Cumulative Impact Policy in respect of the City Centre, specifically Wind Street and the surrounding area, the Kingsway and surrounding area and finally High Street and College Street.

The consultation report can be viewed at Item 11 of the 'Cabinet Agenda'.

Comments on the consultation are to be with the Licensing Division prior to Friday 3 May 2013.

Should you wish to make representations against the amendment of the Statement of Licensing Policy, we would urge you to do so as soon as possible.

If you require any assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Solicitors.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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